Sooooo tired today. Couldn't sleep at all last night. Maybe it had something to do with that cup of tea I had around 8:00 pm... :P The tea. Ah, the tea. It's good for keeping you awake long enough to do what needs to be done, but when what needs to be done is done and you want to sleep....not so good anymore. :)
So. I've done one quiz/test/tiz/quest so far today. So it's just one tutorial, one grammar test, and then *à la Shania* I'm outta here...
Well. Not that I'm actually going anywhere later. Maybe tonight I'll catch up on some work or maybe just get some extra sleep. Oh, who am I kidding? Probably won't do either of those things. :P Damn, I'm stupid. ;)
Hopefully will get to see
Harry Potter And The Chamber of Bloody Secrets tomorrow... ok, so that's not the actual title, but it IS set in England so it's okay that I've taken some bloody liberties with the title... :P :)
I'm strange. So sue me.
(Actually, please don't. Don't have enough money on me to be sued at the moment...)